What I did today!

What I did today #1

Well I have two weeks off at college and my friends are still in school and they don't break up this Friday for a week, so till Friday, I'm a bit lonely. There wasn't much going on today, I couldn't afford to go the gym, the house was clean so didn't need to scrub around,  I just spent my day generally browsing on Facebook(as always). It came around 17:30 that I decided to organize my desktop and files(I'm sure a majority of do this once every few weeks/months). I'm not the best GFX'er and I like things plain and simple, but good none-the-less - So I just decided to create a texted background. Now again, nothing extreme, plain and simple.
As you can see; it's just my name with a simple crack and a hazed background effect. I don't know about you, but I love these type of designs of backgrounds. They're really unique in their own way. Subjective art I call it. Why? Because I have no other name for this kind of design. I guess you can just call it simplicity, but the name sounds so simple...

Well that's the only interesting thing I did today. Well personally, I think making (approximately)20 cups of teas a day is not just an addiction, but interesting how you don't realise to your last tea-bag, how much you've actually drunk?--Well I don't know if it's just me, but MIND = BLOWN! 

Well this is my first published blog 'What I did today #1'! These are not daily, it all varies on what I've done throughout the day. But that's not all to be expected on this blog! Here's a list of what will be posted up: 

  1. Anime reviews - AMV's.
  2. Scientific updates, discussion, explanations (please leave a question in the comments!) 
  3. What I did today #X!
  4. Religious discussion, debunking and arguments. (All rational, no abhominal attacks) 
  5. My own philosophical view on a subject(X). 
I've decided to do my first anime review and will be posted up in the next few days. I'm pretty sure you've seen it, if not, you science-damn(c wut i did zer?) read the review and watch that bad boy straight away! I won't give away what I'm going to review, but it's another classic that changes your view in life!

Please keep update on my blog, I can assure you it's worth the read! Many thanks for reading, and have a good one! Rasheed Saeed!

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